Sudha Palani

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Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am Sudha Palani, Self-taught Artist living in Melbourne.
I love Nature, Science and Art. Painting is everything for me. I feel the satisfaction that comes from what I love to do. My Mum is my Inspiration. I love her painting skills. I did my first portrait painting for my dad at the age of 8. It was my dad's favourite movie character. I could still remember how much my dad enjoyed watching me painting. I did Masters in Clinical Biochemistry in India. After coming to Australia, I have self realized and started to work towards my passion.

What is your favourite drink?
I love both coffee and tea with different flavours. My day starts with hot and strong coffee. Great ideas starts with coffee.

What inspired you to start painting?
Nature is my favourite inspiration. I love to make pencil portraits, Animals, especially birds, and figurative art and things that I admire. Now I have started painting birds and animals in more details. Painting eyes, beaks, feathers, and wings, it gives me a lot of excitement. I will feel complete satisfaction whenever I finish my bird painting. As an Artist, I could realize my self-confidence and do what I love. It helps to express my thoughts, emotions, personal experiences, and interest. For me, painting is an endless search, and an ongoing learning process. I would like to refer to books to learn techniques. Each painting gives me some ideas. I learned things through my paintings. I want to explore with different mediums, techniques, and ideas.

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
I am an emerging artist, but I love to share somethings which helps to motivate myself everyday, Enjoy your creative journey , Create everyday.
Work for your passion. Dont get disappointed with others judgements.
Just paint whatever you like.

You can read more about Sudha Palani here.


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Carley Bourne