Stephanie Perrins

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm an artist and designer, and have a Bachelor Degree in Visual Communication (Graphic Design) from Monash University. However, being a mum is the most important role I have in my life right now. I've always been creative, and was worried that becoming a mum would take away from my time and energy to create but in fact my experience has been quite the opposite. Watching my little boy and girl grow and experience the world with fresh eyes has been one of the most creatively liberating experiences of my life. My family and I live near the beach just outside Victoria's Mornington Peninsula, and the stunning landscapes and open green spaces near where we live have also been greatly inspiring to me.

What is your favourite drink?

What inspired you to start painting/drawing?
I've always love to paint. It's just something that resides so deeply within me. I've been told one of my first words was 'paint' (I'm not sure how true that is) but I know for certain I painted my first still life painting at age 4. It was a bowl of fruit. I still have that painting. However it wasn't until a few years ago when I began to realise just how vital painting is for my spirit. After loosing my first pregnancy I turned to painting as a way to heal and I've since spent every spare minute painting

How can we support you?
Please contact with me on instagram at @steph.p.paints! Also sign up to my newsletter to hear updates on my artwork releases and my upcoming pattern library launch

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
If you are feeling called to create - do it. Share it. When you create from the soul it cannot be 'good' or 'bad' - it is something beyond that, and by sharing it you are giving others permission to do what they love also.

You can read more about Stephanie Perrins here.

