Sabi Klein
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am an abstract artist based in Melbourne! I’ve been painting for 8 years now, I paint full time and am self taught. I love playing with colors and textures and experimenting with different techniques. I have always been influenced by my surroundings, nature and the sea, and living by the bay means inspiration is never too far away. I can not paint in a quiet studio… I always have to have some music on to provide a little inspiration.
What is your favourite drink?
I start my day with a tea with almond milk, followed by coffee. I can’t start the day without it. If I’m out I usually go for an almond chai latte. You will always find lots of empty mugs in my studio (covered in paint) as I drink a lot of tea during my day. I rarely drink alcohol anymore unless we are heading to an event or party (which is rare these days!).
What inspired you to start painting?
I’ve always been a creative person in one way or another. I worked in creative industries for many years and was a creative child, but I truly discovered my love for painting as a form of therapy after my dad passed away 9 years ago. That moment in my life truly created this need for an outlet and once I started I was obsessed and couldn’t stop.
What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
I think people think they need to be in a “mood” to paint or be feeling “creative” but I found that once I started painting and did it religiously every day, that it then turns on a creatice tap in your brain that you can’t turn off. I think experimenting with different techniques is a great way to discover where your style is heading and will let you know what type of artist you are. Asking lots of questions helped me a lot, you will find people love to help especially in art stores.
You can read more about Sabi Klein here.