Marianne Urth

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm from Denmark but I have lived 20 years in Chile and now 7 years in Sydney. I love it here because you can sail every day on a different boat if you like to crew. I also love my local community, Greenwich where I participate in the local Art Trail and on a lucky day you see Guy Warren at the coffee shop.

What is your favourite drink?
I love a good coffee to get my creative juices flowing. It works every time. 

What inspired you to start painting/drawing?
15 years ago we moved into a new apartment in Santiago with beautiful white walls and as I was looking for art to hang on them, I got the idea that I could paint it myself and started big and colorful and those big paintings have kept coming ever since but now there are no more white walls left.

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?

Keep going. Get to work every day and trust the creative process. Even when you think it's not going the right way, you'll discover along the way that everything you do on your creative path, is a step in the right direction. 

You can read more about Marianne Urth here.


Rachel Hayhurst


Eclette by Penny Brooshooft