Michelle Sparks

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Michelle Sparks, Brisbane, Queensland

Hi my name is Michelle Sparks and I am a Brisbane based artist in sunny Queensland, Australia. I am a high school teacher by trade, but my heart lies in art & painting. I am a mother to two furr dogs & one 4 year old boy. 

I’ve always loved vibrant colours. In fact I think back to my childhood (80’s baby) and remember my love for bright fluorescent colours!! My favourite was definitely my 90210 hypercolour T-shirt which would change between fluro pink and purple as it heated up...gosh I loved that shirt. For years I was a closet fluro lover until they came back in a few years ago. The joy of colour returned at that point and I haven’t looked back. 

I’ve always been a crafty kind of person and have dabbled in many fields...until I found painting. Painting has become my happy place where I lose track of time & let myself do whatever ‘feels’ right. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I do.

I use mostly acrylic paints on canvas or artist quality paper. I love bright colours, patterns & designs that are pleasing to the eye. A splash of fluro or neon never goes astray in my creations! I create pieces as small as A5 and have created large canvas pieces that are over 2m in length. I love creating and am loving the artistic journey of discovery that I am on.


Emma Hergstrom


Steph Chapman