Misha Harrison

Tell us a little bit about you?
Hey! My name is Misha Harrison, I am a 32 year old female from Wollongong, NSW.

I have been a creative my whole life, but only found my artistic ‘niche’ about three years ago.

My art explores materiality and process through three-dimensional still life artworks. Each artwork comprises of intricately hand cut, painted and embroidered plywood. The artworks translate real life arrangements of flowers, drapery and objects into three-dimensional artworks that combine sculpture, painting and textile practices.

The notion of the handmade is crucial to my work. I relate to core notions of the Art and Craft Movement of the mid 19th Century where artists like William Morris believed that mass produced and readymade items lack soul. My artworks mirror this notion which I believe is a conversation that is relevant now more than ever. I express my soul and the beauty of handmade items through my craftsmanship in wood, embroidery and painting.

My artworks are like big jigsaw puzzles, every piece of the artwork slots into its place. The process of creation is much like a puzzle also. There is a lot of problem solving involved in my practice. Piece by piece the artwork slowly reveals itself to me.

What is your favourite drink?
Coffee and Water is what gets me through each day lol. But if we are heading out for a nice dinner or to a bar, I love a good margarita, yuuummmm!

What inspired you to start painting?

As long as I can remember art has been a part of my life. As a young girl I would sit and draw for hours. I was also a huge tomboy growing up- I’m not sure if this is where I got my interest for tools and building from but from a young age I would be helping my dad in the garage or up a tree with my tool belt on building cubbies. Eventually my creativity and practicality for building things started to go hand in hand.

I studied art in high school, going on to do a Diploma of Fine Arts at TAFE, then went on to study a Bachelor of Creative Arts at University, finishing off with an Honours degree.

It was only the last year of university where I got the confidence to pursue a career as an artist.

The road to becoming a full time artist has not been an easy one but it has definitely built so much character and shaped me the person I am today.

I worked numerous jobs, while cramming in art whenever I could on the side. After about 5 years of hustling and making ends meet I finally found my style. Two years after I found my style and developed it into what it is today I quit my job and pursued my art full time.

Inspiration to create is so abundant in my life. Everything inspires me; nature, fashion, textiles, colour, people- life in general is so inspiring! My art has always been such a part of my identity, creating has been a way I have expressed myself since I was a kid.

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT!! Experimentation is the absolute key to finding your artistic voice.

Do what feels natural to you and don’t force a style on yourself just because you admire someone's artwork in that style/ medium. Once you let your creativity speak for itself, it won’t shut up, haha. It will begin to flow and feel so easy. An eight hour day for me feels like 1 hour. I get so lost in my practice. Flow state is the best feeling!

You can see Misha’s work beautiful here.


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