Libby Haines


Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm a Melbourne based artist and work primarily with oil on canvas. My paintings take ordinary scenes form the home and reimagine these spaces in a dream-like way. I hope to evoke feelings of nostalgia and joy through my work.

What is your favourite drink?
I love a dirty martini.

What inspired you to start painting?
Painting is where my professional journey started in 2005 when I commenced my Bachelor of Visual and Media Arts. 15 years later after a career in Fashion and jewellery making, Melbourne’s 2020 lockdown saw me come full circle and return to my love of painting. Something of the perfect storm was created and I now paint full time.

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
Get your art out into the world as much as you can! I think you can prepare and practice and over think a lot, but sometimes it is just better to start sharing your art and see what happens! I'm not always 100% happy with all of paintings, sometimes I am just too close to them or they didn't turn out as I hoped but once I put them out there it's done. And these paintings can often turn out to be other peoples favourites. I also think it's important to create work that feels genuine to you and that you enjoy making, rather than being influenced by what other people are doing or what others might think.

You can read more about Libby Haines here.


Carmel McCarney


Emilie Maguin