Emma Darrouzet
Tell us a little bit about you?
I’ve been painting my whole life, my Nan was an artist and she taught me how to paint when I was a little girl. It is my absolute passion. My little boy Francis started school this year so I took the year off work I am a Mumma of 3 beautiful children, a puppy (Pepper) and a mini pig (Dottie). Dottie and Pepper are my studio buddies. My day job (aside from painting): I’m a a Head of Inclusion and Diverse Learning - which means I help schools and teachers to design, implement and teach curriculum that is inclusive and caters to all students in the classroom. I worked for 5 years at the Sydney Children’s Hospital running their Art Program and bringing art to significantly unwell children, which was one of the most amazing times of my life. It really showed me how art can heal and transform. I’ve struggled significantly with some mental health challenges so as cliche as it sounds, painting really is like my therapy.
What is your favourite drink?
Gin and tonic!
What inspired you to start painting?
Nothing really inspired me to start as I can’t remember a time when I haven’t painted. What inspires me to keep going and throw so much into it is the joy that I see it bring people and how transformative and life changing art can be. It’s also such an amazing outlet, the brushes really are my number 1 support and hype people 😆.
What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
Do not try and follow any trends, just be 100% yourself. Sometimes it’s easy to jump on a bandwagon but in doing that it can jeopardize the intergrity of your practice as a whole. Your practice needs to be cohesive and make sense, not only to you and who you are but to your audience and your customers. The other piece of advice I would give is create what makes you happy. If you love it; then other people will too.
You can see more of Emma’s work here @emma.darrouzet.art.