Belinda Eldridge
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I currently live in Perth but I grew up in Broken Hill. Living in Broken Hill played a huge part in developing my art and I would say my love for rich colours are somewhat inspired by the rich colours of the landscape there. During my time in Broken Hill, I was also commissioned to paint a mural inside the public library which you can still see today.
After moving to Perth about 12 years ago, I started getting back into painting by commissioning pet portraits and running art classes for children. Recently, I have been inspired by the rich birdlife I see when bushwalking in the Perth hills so now predominantly focus on painting these wonderful creatures.
What is your favourite drink?
I love a good cup of tea and on occasion I will indulge in a delicious Chai Latte, staying hydrated is key as I easily can spend hours painting, so if I drink coffee, it’s usually for a pick me up on a Monday morning!
What inspired you to start painting?
I grew up amongst the outback landscape of Broken Hill so I have always had a fondness for Australian wildlife and pets. Making art was also such a natural part of my childhood and has been a constant part of my life ever since. One of my earliest memories of being inspired by wildlife art was going with my dad to visit wildlife painter, Garry Fleming’s childhood home, I remember Garry’s dad showing me a Parakeet painting of his, I was about 10 at the time and was in awe of his talent, that is one of the things that stayed with me and inspires me to this day.
How can we support you?
You can like and share my art page, I am open to commissions and if there is a gallery that could host my art, I would love to hear from them to help me continue to grow and share my gifts with the world.
What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?I would encourage people to find time to create, we can get caught up in life, so to find a pocket of time that is truly yours to create something you enjoy, like art. This is the first step in starting out, the rest will come when you continue devoting yourself to it. Seek to be authentically you, an important variable in driving you to success.
If you have anything else to add in or that you think would be valuable for people you know, please feel free to include it. If you could please attach a couple of photos to go with your profile that would be amazing (image of you, logo, business etc).
You can read more about Belinda Eldridge here.