Lorraine Pichugin

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm an artist who plays with thoughts and emotions through light and I use oil painting or drawing to capture that. I love a good mystery and aim to create a sense of drama and a touch of allusiveness in my work.

What is your favourite drink?
I always start my day with a cup (or three) of good, extra strong English Breakfast tea. When heading out for a road trip (however short) sipping an almond milk latte is always on the agenda, and sparkling Rose or Gin & soda are my go to for winding down.

What inspired you to start painting/drawing?
I have always had an interest in art and created it in one form or another for as long as I can remember. My love of art goes beyond creating with the social impact of art throughout history also drawing my attention since my youth. In fact I cannot remember a time when I did not feel compelled to record what I saw or love. For a number of years now the interplay of light and shadow has captivated me and inspired my resulting works. I guess it is my way of expressing how I relate to the shadows (hard stuff) and light (good stuff) happening in my world around me. Somehow it reminds me there is always a light source no matter how dark the shadows (you simply cannot have one without the other).

How can we support you?
A tricky question...as support can look so different from day to day. As an artist just having my work acknowledged helps me. I will always be an artist regardless of the level of recognition, however, knowing my work is seen and perhaps has even brought impact in a positive way to someone somewhere adds a richness to my creating process that I love. Platforms such as Art Directory Australia is a great avenue for this, thank you.

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
There is so much advice that could be given but in all honesty there are just two pieces that I wish I had known way back then:


Everyone starts somewhere. In the early years of my career I would berate myself for falling short if my progress seemed too slow or not to the standard (other people's work) I had set as my benchmark. Which leads naturally to the second piece of advice for those starting out on this wonderful journey as an artist:


Oh the trap of comparison, what a pool of discouragement that can be. Comparing my progress or work to others is not the least bit helpful to my own growth as an artist. Admiring (rather than comparing) on the other hand, encourages me to find out what it is I am wanting to express through my own work. When viewing the work of others that I admire I still continually ask myself "how does what I like about this artist's work relate to my vision for my own work as an artist?" Sometimes it just doesn't and that's fine. However when it does relate, it's important to work out how to use your own voice to express that rather than thinking you need to say it in exactly the same way as the artist who inspired you, (hope that makes sense and is helpful), in other words DARE to be YOU.

Just quickly (and not for publication) I want to say thank you for reaching out to me for Friday Feature. I have had a pretty rough time since my solo show in late April/early May. Amongst the shadow stuff happening was the incredibly sad news of the very sudden and unexpected death of a close family friend and then getting very sick with Covid. Thankfully I am recovering (no longer positive), and have good days and bad days health and energy wise. It has been difficult to get my mojo back for anything so your email has been the little push I have needed to just get on with it...thank you!

You can see more about Lorraine Pichugin’s work here here.


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