Ilenia Congiu

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, my name is Ilenia and I’m an artist and Visual Merchandiser. I’m Italian and I arrived in Australia 9 years ago, fell in love with the incredible Australian land escape and wild nature! I started painting and drawing since I was really young, always thrilled to create new things. I did my bachelor degree in Fine Arts in decoration in Italy and after that studied Fashion and costume in Barcelona.

I spent so many years experimenting and I tried different styles, but I always get back to draw lines always with different mediums, I want to express my love for nature, for me they represent freedom and serenity! 

What is your favourite drink?
Almond latte, always drink one after breakfast in the morning!

What inspired you to start painting? 
I always wanted to share with others my paintings and creations. After losing my dad few years ago I decided to start again and post it on Instagram, I think was a way for me to grief.

Big font of inspiration for me is nature, my art helps me to be reconnected with it, I love to walking immerse in nature and read biology books with beautiful illustrations, I paint with acrylic on cotton paper and I normally start with a lot of sketches before I start with the final piece.

I always push myself creatively, I experiment a lot, I just like to make art as a form of meditation and self expression. My family and my husband always supported me with my art and they are my biggest fans, and I am so grateful for this! 

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?
Confidence, built confidence is important, be free of what other people think about you! You strong and powerful and no need other people approbation. Be ok with your weaknesses, get organise, visualise what do you want to create!

I am constantly evolving and I love the process, sometimes I paint something that I am not happy with, I go back to it after a day or so and I see potential and start to love it- is a process!

You can read more about Ilenia Congiu here.


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