Ben Randall

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I love to talk and ramble on about everything and nothing. I have two naughty Chihuahua’s, who often have paint on their paws. I live in Sydney. I am rather boring really.

But mostly, I make art, sometimes well and sometimes poorly.

What is your favourite drink?
Coffee, and strong! I start each morning by visiting my local café, who know me very well, and ordering a double shot coffee. This will be followed by a mid-morning, and possibly a mid-afternoon coffee. And perhaps a donut for good measure; you know to help wash the coffee down. 

What inspired you to start painting/drawing?
Inspiration is a funny thing and hard to pinpoint. However I suppose what inspires me most is modern life, nature, music and human emotions. I know this seems an awful lot of inspiration and a weird starting point, but all those four pillars offer me colours, textures, patterns and ultimately the freedom to express with a brush and paint.

What advice would you give other artists/creatives starting out?

I think it is two things; firstly, don’t be precious, allow yourself to make mistakes and secondly, draw and/or paint every day.

If you do this, little by little you will get better and refine your style. You find your own voice. There is both beauty and heartache in being an artist, but don’t give up! Push yourself, learn, read, understand and most importantly enjoy. Enjoy that you are able to create. 

You can see more of Ben Randall’s latest work here.


Catherine Hayler


Deb O’Neill